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Feb 26th TechHaus Host's autoinstaller Softaculous Adds VIdeo with 5 NEW Scripts for hosting Plans

The Softaculous Team is very excited to announce the launch of 5 new scripts. ClipBucket is an opensource and free script that will let you start your own Video Sharing(Youtube Clone) website in matter of minutes, ClipBucket is fastest growing script with most video sharing websites and social networking freatures. ClipBucket is a free and ... بیشتر »

Jan 25th Softaculous 2.6 Released with JavaScript Libraries.

The Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 2.6 This version of Softaculous has some cool new features and a complete new interface. JavaScript Libraries is the distinct feature of 2.6 A complete list of changes: 1) New Interface or Theme in the Admin and User Panel. The theme is well designed and has a unique look. 2) Javascripts as a New type ... بیشتر »