The Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 2.6
This version of Softaculous has some cool new features and a complete new interface. JavaScript Libraries is the distinct feature of 2.6
A complete list of changes:
1) New Interface or Theme in the Admin and User Panel. The theme is well designed and has a unique look.
2) Javascripts as a New type of Installs. We have added 13 Javascript Libraries that users can install on their websites. This is a completely new feature and users will love. It opens up new avenues and we will INNOVATE more in this segment. We will add more scripts that users will be able to use and SCRIPTIFY their websites! 3) Listing of all Installations is a new Admin Feature added in 2.6. You can check outdated installations as well.
4) Rebranding options have been implemented. You can specify your Company logo in the Settings tab of the Admin Panel.
5) PHP binary option for the CRON Jobs. This will enable you to specify any PHP binary for calling the CRON job.
6) 7 character restriction for the Database Usernames. This was necessary as cPanel changed the Max MySQL username parameter in 11.25
7) CRON job addition was not working on some cPanel servers with the latest release. This has been fixed in 2.6
The main feature of this release is a new interface and JavaScript Installers.
The following Libraries have been added:
1) Scriptaculous
2) jQuery
3) Ext.js
4) scripty2
5) Mochikit
6) Mootools
7) YUI
8) Prototype
9) Open Rico
10) DOJO
11) AJS
12) Raphael
13) Sizzlejs
We hope you enjoy this version of Softaculous. You will soon see some more improvements in the versions to come and also some more scripts!
Monday, January 25, 2010